Ep 2: Collaboration on Sustainable Forestry and Forestry Innovation

          Today (29 August 2023), Ambassador Arunrung Phothong Humphreys led a Thai delegation on sustainable forest management, innovation in forestry, cities, and sustainability (from 28 August to 1 September 2023) to visit the NCC headquarter. NCC is one of the largest construction companies in the Nordic region that has transitioned to using wood as the primary construction material, replacing concrete and steel, in order to achieve the goal of reducing carbon emissions in their construction business. Most of the company’s headquarter interior used wood-based materials.

          During the visit, the delegation was briefed by Ms. Pi Ekblom, one of the founders of Gaia Architecture and an expert in wooden building construction, and by Mr. Emil Junelind, the Business Manager of NCC on the engineering structural design of the NCC building.

          On the same day, the delegation traveled to Cederhusen, the first residential building in Stockholm which wood is its primary material and Cederhusen is one of the largest wooden residential projects in the world. Anna Ervast Öberg, the CEO of Folkhem, the company behind the construction of Cederhusen, provided information about the project’s background.

          In the afternoon, the delegation visited Wood Tech Lab at KTH Royal Institute of Technology and met with faculty members from the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering and the School of Architecture. This provided an opportunity for Thai university representatives to discuss collaborative opportunities in education and research, such as wood building design, large-scale wooden building engineering, materials science research.