The Royal Thai Embassy and the promotion of education cooperation.
Further to the discussion with Assoc. Prof. Natcha Thawesaengskulthai, Vice President for Strategic Planning, Innovation and Global Engagement, Chulalongkorn University (CU) and the CU’s executive board members on 7 October 2021 to lay down ways to promote education collaborations between CU and Universities in Sweden, on 20 October 2021 Counsellor Donrawee Waranon met with Prof. Niklas Hedin, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, and Dr. Martin Arvidsson, Research officer at the Stockholm University (SU), to discuss the collaborations that SU and CU can work together. Many possible collaborations were discussed; for example student and lecturer exchange programme, organizing of researchers matching events to further develop co-research projects, co-organizing innovation and startups competition events, as well as to share research facilities and sandbox between the two universities.
The Royal Thai Embassy in Stockholm will continue to work with other universities in Sweden and Thailand to further promote education cooperation between the two countries.