The ambassador visited Monteaco shop.
On 8 September 2023, H.E. Mrs. Arunrung Phothong Humphreys visited Monteaco shop in Wargentinsgatan 7 and met with Mr. Kenneth Rimdahl, Founder of Monsoon Tea or Monteaco Tea, forest friendly tea from Northern Thailand (Chiangmai, Chiangrai, Mae Hong Son) and Mr. William Persson. Kenneth is a Swede who has been living and working with villagers in Northern Thailand for more than 10 years.
Monteaco’s business approach is to focus on the collaboration with Thai local farmers, engaging them in reforestation while being able to earn income and maintaining biodiversity in the forest. Thus, the tea used for production does not come from cultivated tea plantations, but rather from wild tea trees that grow in the forest and are infused with various special scents, such as scents that are associated with various places in Thailand and Sweden.
Monteaco Tea is premium-grade tea that has been introduced to the Swedish market this year. For more information about Monteaco.
Please visit IG: monsoontea/monteaco_eu Website: