Types of visa
Requirements for travelling to Thailand during the Covid-19 situation for non-Thai citizens, Please click here.
Passport holders of the 29 countries below may be requested to attach additional documents and be present at the embassy for an interview.
1. Afghanistan*** 2. Algeria 3. Bangladesh 4. Cameroon 5. Central Africa 6. Democratic Republic of the Congo 7. Egypt 8. Equatorial Guinea 9. Ghana 10. Guinea 11. Iran 12. Iraq*** 13. Lebanon 14. Liberia 15. Libya 16. Nepal 17. Nigeria 18. North Korea*** 19. Pakistan 20. Palestine 21. Republic of the Congo 22. Sao Tome and Principe 23. Sierra Leone 24. Somalia 25. Sri Lanka 26. Sudan 27. Syria 28. Yemen
*** Please note that for citizens of Afghanistan, Iraq, and North Korea: The decision of visa can take up to 45 days after submission of documents at the Embassy.
Types of visa
Please visit https://thaievisa.go.th/
When submitting an application online, your name must be in the order as it appears on your passport. Special characters such as Å, Ä and Ö must be put as AA, AE and OE. Failure to do so will result in your application being rejected.
Ex. If your name is Kåre Björknäs, your name must be spelled KAARE BJOERKNAES
- Please make sure you put the correct e-mail address to recieve the E-Visa