Buddhist ceremony in occasion of the Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great
On 4 December 2024, at Buddharama Temple, to mark the occasion of the Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great, the National Day of the Kingdom of Thailand and Thailand’s Father’s Day (5 December 2024), Ambassador Arunrung Phothong Humphreys presided over a Buddhist ceremony and presented flowers in front of His Majesty’s…
Read MoreAmbassador paid a courtesy call on Mr. Aslan Akbas, Lord Mayor/Chairman of the City Council of Gothenburg.
On 2 September 2024, Ambassador Arunrung Phothong Humphreys, together with Ms. Pia Orrgren, Honorary Consul of Thailand in Gothenburg, Minister Counsellor Pittara Navarat, Ms. Yuthaporn Norrman, staff of the Embassy and Ms. Panadda Changmanee, ThaiWISE project manager paid a courtesy call on Mr. Aslan Akbas, Lord Mayor/Chairman of the City Council of Gothenburg. Both sides…
Read MoreAmbassador and Counsellor met and discussed with Director for Internationalization and Government Relations, and Director of the Center for Asian Studies, Stockholm School of Economics (SSE)
On 21 August 2024, Ambassador Arunrung Phothong Humphreys and Mr. Natouch Thammanuruk, Counsellor at the Royal Thai Embassy in Stockholm, met and discussed with Mr. Nick Andersson, Director for Internationalization and Government Relations, and Mr. Patrik Ström, Director of the Center for Asian Studies, Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), to exchange guidelines for promoting cooperation…
Read MoreAmbassador hosted a Thai Evening in collaboration with the International Philanthropic Society (IPS) of Sweden.
On August 30, 2024, Ambassador Arunrung Phothong Humphreys hosted a Thai Evening in collaboration with the International Philanthropic Society (IPS) of Sweden. The event aimed to raise funds for the World Childhood Foundation, established by Queen Silvia of Sweden, to support and protect children worldwide from violence, exploitation, and HIV. Forty Five IPS members attended,…
Read MoreAmbassador met with owners and masseuses of traditional Thai massage salons in Gothenburg and nearby cities.
On 1 September 2024, Ambassador Arunrung Phothong Humphreys met with owners and masseuses of traditional Thai massage salons in Gothenburg and nearby cities as part of the project of the Embassy , together with Thaiwise, to raise the standard of Thai massage in Sweden. Ambassador Arunrung reiterates that one of the Embassy’s important jobs is…
Read MoreAmbassador and staff of the Royal Thai Embassy in Stockholm, visited Thai elephants at Kolmården.
On 14 August 2024, Ambassador Arunrung Phothong Humphreys, together with staff of the Royal Thai Embassy in Stockholm, visited 3 Thai elephants, Tonsak, Bua and Saonoi at Kolmården. The Ambassador was warmly greeted by Ms. Cecilia Håkanson, Manager for the animal department and her team. In 2004, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej The Great gifted…
Read MoreAmbassador met with representatives from the Happy Child Foundation and Family Bergqvist Foundation.
On 5 August 2024, Ambassador Arunrung Phothong Humphreys met with Mrs. Susanne Janson, Mrs. Susanne Karlfeldt and Mr. Calle Wollgård, representatives from the Happy Child Foundation and Mr. Kjell Bergqvist and Mrs. Karin Bergqvist from Family Bergqvist Foundation. The two foundations were founded after the Tsunami in 2004 to help underprivileged children in Thailand to…
Read MoreAmbassador along with diplomats and staff of the Royal Thai Embassy in Stockholm, attended the Thai Festival at Folketspark in Malmö
On 3 August 2024, Ambassador Arunrung Phothong Humphreys, along with diplomats and staff of the Royal Thai Embassy in Stockholm, attended the Thai Festival at Folketspark in Malmö, organised by the Malmö Thai Cultural Association. At the event, there were shops selling various Thai cuisines, including Thai condiment products. There were also cultural performances on…
Read MoreAmbassador visited Malmö and Lund. The Ambassador met with government and private agencies in the areas.
On 1-2 August 2024, Ambassador Arunrung Phothong Humphreys, along with the economic officer and staff of the Royal Thai Embassy in Stockholm, visited Malmö and Lund. The Ambassador met with government and private agencies in the areas to find ways and means to promote economic, trade, and investment cooperation, including innovation for sustainability, with Thailand,…
Read MoreAmbassador participated in the commemoration ceremony of King Chulalongkorn’s visit to the city of Ragunda.
On July 19, 2024, Ambassador Arunrung Phothong Humphreys, with staff from the Royal Thai Embassy and Team Thailand and families, participated in the commemoration ceremony of King Chulalongkorn’s visit to the city of Ragunda in 1897 at the Thai Pavilion in Utanede, Bispgården, which is organized by the Ragunda Municipality. Other parties include Thai-Swedish Unity…
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